Poster Sessions

DBMR Poster Prizes are now open for applications until Tuesday, April 22, 2025, for the following categories:

  • Best Preclinical Project (CHF 2’000)
  • Best Clinical Project (CHF 2’000)
  • Best Project by a Medical Student* (CHF 2’000)
  • Research Prize Alumni MedBern (CHF 2’000)
We invite all students and members of the institutes and clinics of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Bern and of the Inselspital engaged in research to submit a abstract for poster presentations for the Day of BioMedical Research.
  • Abstract submission is NOW open.
  • Best poster presentations by young researchers will be awarded with prize money and certificates. During the abstract submission, you can select the categories for which you want to be considered. Eligibility criteria and detailed information are available here.
  • Incomplete or non-compliant applications, or those received after the deadline will not be considered.

Poster sessions:

To give presenters enough time to present their posters, there will be two poster sessions on Wednesday, 2 July 2025 (details below). The presenting authors are required to be at their posters during the allocated poster session to answer the questions of the committee.

Where: Foyer Auditorium Ettore Rossi, KR1
              Julie-von-Jenner Haus, Freiburgstrasse 15

Poster Session 1: Wednesday, 2 July
8:30 to 10:00
Posters with even numbers
Poster Session 2: Wednesday, 2 July
10:00 to 11:30
Posters with odd numbers


Poster preparation and setup:

The authors are responsible for printing, mounting, and removing the posters. Your poster number can be found on the poster list.

Poster format: A0 (H 118.9 cm x W 84.1 cm), portrait format only
All posters must be prepared in English, as English is the official language of the event.
Mounting: From 15:00 on Tuesday, 1 July 2025 to 8:30 on Wednesday, 2 July 2025
Material for pinning the poster to the boards will be available in the poster area.
Putting up the poster will be done by the authors.
Where: Foyer Auditorium Ettore Rossi, KR1
Julie-von-Jenner-Haus (JJH), Freiburgstrasse 15
The poster boards will be numbered. You will find your poster number on the list of abstracts which will be posted on the DBMR homepage in June 2025 and will also be displayed in the Foyer of the Auditorium Ettore Rossi. Please check the poster list carefully to make sure you hang the poster on the correct poster board.
Removal: Latest by 14:00 on 2 July 2025
Remaining posters will be disposed.