Biomedical Genomics (BMG)

The Biomedical Genomics Core Facility (BMG) of the Department for BioMedical Research is located on the 4th floor at Murtenstrasse 24-28. The BMG aims to provide the infrastructure and know-how to perform genomic and next generation sequencing (NGS) experiments. Access to different instruments for sample or library QC, library preparation, PCR, real-time PCR and droplet digital PCR is offered. In collaboration with the Clinical Genomics Lab, access to high-throughput sequencing infrastructure is possible. In addition, the BMG offers bench space specifically dedicated to nucleic acid extraction, PCR reaction setup and library preparation.

The BMG Core Facility is equipped with two thermal cyclers, two qPCR instruments (Viia7, QuantStudio 6), an Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100, a Qubit fluorometer, a QX200 droplet digital PCR system and a 10x Genomics Chromium Controller. Further, special equipment for library preparation such as magnetic stands is available.

After an introduction, investigators can use these instruments on their own. The BMG provides expertise with genomic and NGS experiments and technical support with sample preparation, library construction or handling of the instruments.

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