The Live Cell Imaging (LCI) Core Facility at the Department for BioMedical Research, University of Bern, offers cutting-edge microscopy imaging services to support advanced biological and biomedical research. Located at Murtenstrasse 24-28, we provide comprehensive services in microscopy imaging and histological methods for living cell and tissue cultures, as well as fixed specimens. Researchers can analyse samples utilizing a range of imaging techniques including brightfield, fluorescence, and laser scanning microscopy. We also support live time-lapse imaging to visualize and study dynamic biological processes. In addition, we offer access to a powerful workstation for image processing and analysis.
Our imaging equipment includes widefield fluorescence microscopes (Leica DMI 4000B and Nikon Eclipse Ti-E), confocal laser scanning (Carl Zeiss LSM 710 and LSM 980) and spinning disc (Nikon Eclipse Ti-E SD) microscopes, a 3D Histech slide scanner for both fluorescence and brightfield imaging, and the IncuCyte S3 and SX5 systems for live cell imaging. Additionally, we offer comprehensive sample preparation equipment, including tissue processing and embedding machines, cryostats, and microtomes. Our facility provides flexible support options—from guidance in your imaging work, through assistance with sample preparation, or even a full-service experience from processing to imaging.
The LCI Core Facility is dedicated to training and supporting researchers in microscopy, sample preparation, and histological procedures. We offer introductory courses and specialized workshops, including training on immunohistochemical protocols and fluorescence labelling. For more information on upcoming courses, please refer to this webpage or visit the MIC homepage.
Our team is passionate about microscopy and committed to providing high-quality support. Whether you are seeking expert guidance or full-service support, we are here to help. We are always open to collaboration and look forward to assisting you with your imaging needs.