The Day of BioMedical Research

Since 1996, the Department for BioMedical Research (DBMR) has held a Day of BioMedical Research. The annual Day of BioMedical Research has established itself as a forum for researchers to present their work in a poster session and to get insights into the research projects of their colleagues. The event is open to the public, and gives an insight into the clinical and translational research activities at the University of Bern. The Day of BioMedical Research is also an excellent platform for making new contacts and exchanging ideas.

Save the date - Wednesday, July 2 2025

DBMR Day of BioMedical Research 2025

Abstract submission now open until Tuesday, April 22, 2025!

DBMR Day of BioMedical Research 2025 on July 2

Date: Wednesday, July 2, 2025, 8:30 - 17:00

Location: Ettore Rossi Auditorium, Julie-von-Jenner Haus, Freiburgstrasse 15, 3010 Bern

Highlights include a lecture by the keynote speaker and the award ceremony of several prizes.

Awards Ceremony:

The following prizes will be awarded at the DBMR Day of BioMedical Research 2025:

Abstract submission now open until April 22, 2025!

We invite all students and members of the institutes and clinics of the Faculty of Medicine and of the Inselspital to submit their abstracts for the poster session. Detailed information available on the DBMR Website.